Meri Kirihimete from us all 

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We’d like to thank everyone caring for the health and wellbeing of others this Christmas, especially those working in our hospitals and community services during the summer break…we see you and we appreciate you! Thank you for the tireless work you do to keep our community safe and healthy.

Measles – how to recognise

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Aotearoa is at a high risk of a measles outbreak this summer.   Measles (Te mate karawaka) is highly contagious and spreads easily among people who are not immunised. It can cause serious problems, including brain swelling, chest infections, or death.

measles community

Security team takes out NZ Police award

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A huge congratulations to Kurtis Heketoa and the Security team who won the ‘Commitment to Problem Solving’ Award at the national Evidence-Based Policing Problem-Oriented Policing Awards. They were nominated for the vehicle theft reduction project which helped to achieve a 30% reduction in car thefts at Middlemore Hospital.

security staff

Zane says a huge thanks to his saviours

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A very grateful police officer dropped into Middlemore Hospital’s Emergency Department just before Christmas, to offer profound thanks to some people who saved his life. Acting Sergeant Zane Wienk was struck by a fleeing driver in South Auckland a little over a year ago and suffered near fatal injuries.

Emergency Care

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