Our vision is to implement Fanau Ola to achieve better health and wellbeing for Pacific families.
Our Fanau Ola approach acknowledges the spirit, heart, mana and inherent dignity of Pacific fanau/families. Through the implementation of Fanau Ola, Pacific families will be supported to build their capacity to transform their lives.
The Fanau Ola team supports Pacific families to create positive changes in their health and wellbeing by providing a holistic approach to healthcare to Pacific patients who have high and complex health needs. The teamwork with the patient and their family to understand their health requirements, plan their healthcare journey, and provide skills and tools to manage their health to keep them on track.
Any other referrals made to Fanau Ola Services will be considered and assessed on a case-by-case basis only.
All referrals are triaged from Monday to Friday between 9am - 4pm
Email: fanauola@middlemore.co.nz
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