As you get older, you may need some extra support to stay healthy and live comfortably. There are support services available:

Long stay residential services:

Long stay residential care is only available at:

You will be referred to this service following an assessment by a Geriatrician and NASC (Needs Assessment Service Coordinator) if it is felt that you or a relative requires long-term hospital-level care. In the future, long-stay residential care will be phased out at these hospitals and moved into community residential care.

Assessment for rest home or long stay hospital

Before going into a rest home or private hospital, government agencies require an assessment.  This has two parts to it:  

  • The first is an assessment by a specialist doctor to look at any health issues that could be affecting your ability to live independently.  It is often a good chance to have a general review of your medications.  At the clinic your medical history will be reviewed and you will have a physical examination.  Depending on your wishes you may see other members of the team to look at what could be done to help keep you in your own home.  
  • The second part of the assessment is done by the needs assessment coordinators.  They look at what options you have with respect to home assistance and the financial implications of going into a rest home.  This assessment usually takes place after the clinic appointment.

Palliative care services

 Palliative care services are only available at:

You will be referred to this service by Middlemore Hospital, Franklin Hospice or your General Practitioner. This support is also available for symptom control and management.

Counties Manukau Services

How to access support services

To access these services you need to be a citizen or resident of Aotearoa New Zealand who is eligible for publicly funded health or disability services.

Eligibility for publicly funded health services — Health New Zealand

To access these support services you need to have a 'needs assessment'. You can refer yourself to a Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC).

Find your local NASC

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