SUDI is when a baby who was considered to be well, dies suddenly and unexpectedly. This can occur from birth to 1 year of age but most frequently happens in babies under 6 months of age. In CM Health between 8-10 babies die each year of SUDI occurring mostly in Maaori and Pacifika babies. SUDI is preventable and by using and sharing the safe sleep messages we can protect our babies.
Place baby in his or her own baby bed, in the same room as the caregiver
Eliminate smoking in pregnancy and protect baby by having a smoke-free whaanau, whare and waka
Position baby flat on his or her back to sleep, face clear of bedding or toys
Encourage and support exclusive breastfeeding and gentle handling of baby
CM Health SUDI Prevention Programme has had an established and evolving safe sleep programme since 2012. There are a number of initiatives taking place to effectively reduce the incidence of SUDI, the following provides an overview of our programme to date:
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