Burns awareness month

It’s been a month of energetic promotion by the team at Counties Manukau’s National Burns Unit.

Staff have been working hard, raising awareness of the damage even a minor burn can do, and giving the South Auckland community important information on avoiding and treating burns.

Advice has been wide-ranging, such as:

  • Having the water temperature in your home set to 50°C can significantly reduce the severity of burns
  • Place all hot beverages up high and away from children.• Never hold a baby while consuming a hot drink.
  • In the event of a burn injury, remember the 20 MINUTE Rule: 20 minutes of cool running water is the key – then seek medical advice!
  • Supervision is the best preventative we can provide to ensure children don’t sustain a burn injury, especially in the kitchen.
  • Firepits and backyard campfires can be great fun for families but can pose a serious burn risk.

Following these simple tips is the best way to avoid a stay in hospital with a burn injury.

Posted in Latest news;

national burn service Middlemore Hospital

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