Celebrate Volunteers - Mala Prasad

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Last week was National Volunteer Week from 16-22 June. The theme is Whiria Te Tangata - Weaving the people together. It's a great time to reflect on our volunteers' selfless work! One of those volunteers is Mala Prasad, who offers her time three days a week at Middlemore Hospital.

Celebrate Volunteers - Annie Zijdel

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Twice a week, Annie Zijdel comes to Middlemore Hospital to volunteer.   "It's important to feel useful. To have a person. " "I help people who look lost and walk them to where they need to go.

Taamaki ki Raro Emma Barraclough

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Have you ever been admitted to a hospital and wondered what’s going to be on the menu at mealtimes? Many of us have either experienced hospital food or heard others tell their stories – and some experiences - in the past - haven’t been rave reviews.


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