Refer yourself or somebody else for free stop smoking support.

Counties Manukau Health is committed to promoting good health and maintaining a healthy environment for our patients, staff and visitors.  This is why all our buildings and grounds are totally smokefree.

How will I cope with being smokefree in the hospital?

If you smoke regularly, your body is used to a steady supply of nicotine.  When you stop smoking, it is the withdrawal from nicotine that causes discomfort.  To help you remain smokefree and be comfortable during your stay, staff can provide nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) - for example, patches, lozenges and gum. 

We know most people who smoke want to quit and that it can be a hard journey for many.  Talking to your doctor or nurse about your smoking is a great first step.

Take steps now to become smokefreeQuit bus

If you know about your hospital admission in advance, take steps now to prepare for your stay.

There are many options for support to stop smoking.  You can talk to your doctor or nurse or freephone 0800 569 568.

More information available at CM Health Living Counties Manukau Health's Smokefree Service.

Give your baby the best start in life.  Quit now.

smokefree pregnancyIf you are pregnant, quitting smoking is one of the best decisions you will ever make for you and your baby. 

When you smoke, poisons enter your bloodstream, then pass through the placenta to the baby. This puts the baby at risk of numerous health problems including glue ear, asthma, leukaemia and Sudden Unexplained Death in infancy (SUDI).

After the baby is born it's important to stay smokefree.  The first six weeks is a time many women find challenging.  Even if you don't smoke around baby, poisons from cigarettes will stay in your clothes and hair. Baby will be exposed to these.

You can talk to your doctor, midwife or nurse or freephone 0800 569 568.

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