Our Acute Pain Service (APS) is staffed by dedicated and passionate clinical nurse specialists and pain trained specialists (FPM and subspecialty interest) who cover both our elective centre and the main hospital with its significant acute demands. Providing daily rounds of both sites with in hours availability of APS personnel, and after hours cover by anaesthesia trainees with consultant cover, our department provides exceptional and comprehensive care and education.
Our APS also run an innovative, inpatient, twice-weekly, multidisciplinary Complex Pain Round, and have recently launched a pain nurse practitioner run fortnightly Transitional Pain Clinic (TPS). The TPS has been developed as a follow up clinic for inpatients with complex pain who are thought to be at more risk of persisting pain after discharge, or whom might benefit from support and advice on analgesic medication weaning after discharge. TPS patients with pain for more than 6 months may be referred onto the Chronic Pain Service.
We have a Chronic Pain Service (CPS) comprising a small but highly functional and experienced team, bringing an interdisciplinary biopsychosocial model of pain management to our very culturally and socioeconomically diverse community. In addition to clinic-based assessments, the CPS offers several group-based programs.
We can offer the opportunity to collaborate with and gain experience from other services connected with pain management including:
In addition to the education and exposure for local anaesthesia trainees, we are delighted to offer FPM credentialling for a pure pain fellowship. Under the tutelage of trained FPM/Palliative Care and subspec interest nursing and medical specialists, this year long position provides exceptional immersion in acute, complex and chronic pain in combination with our unique departmental regional anaesthesia innovation and skill. For more information about our Pain Fellowship click here.
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