Overseen by our regional special interest group (SIG) and a wider group of skilled regional practitioners, our Regional Fellowship offers an exceptional experience in the acquisition and implementation of regional techniques for our surgical population. For a preview of one of our skilled regionalists performing a procedure click here.
Our general fellowship with subspecialty interest in Obstetrics, is unique and challenging given the complexity of the population we serve in terms of tertiary referrals, work load and our patient population diversity and socio-economic background. Strongly supported by an experienced and dedicated body of obstetric anaesthetists our obstetric fellow enjoys unparalleled exposure to elective and acute obstetrics, labour suite, high risk obs clinic and teaching opportunities.
The work load and complexity of our hospital and patients respectively offer a fantastic platform for our general fellowship with subspecialty interest in peri-operative medicine. Working regularly with our pre-assessment clinic team, our peri-op fellow will also be exposed to our anaesthetic-led-echo-service, tailored medical speciality clinics, ward pre-op review and various pain rounds and clinics. With potential for further development, this fellow position presents a unique opportunity.
Our general anaesthetic fellowship with a subspecialty interest in burns is unique and encompassing experience. With Middlemore being a tertiary referral burns centre with a dedicated burns unit, our fellow participates in regular burns theatre lists serving both adult and paediatric patients. Within a small but dedicated group of multidisciplinary specialists, our burns fellow is exposed to acute and chronic burns, teaching, journal club, research opportunities, complex/chronic pain as well as involvement with the general roster and the other services provided by Counties Manukau Health.
We offer 3 general fellowship positions here at Middlemore Counties Manukau. Equally sought after as our subspecialty positions, they permit individual adjustment to get the best possible experience out of the year tailored to the individual. Our general fellowship position provides ample exposure to all our surgical specialities in addition to pain / peri-op / regional / simulation.
Our Acute Pain Service (APS) is staffed by dedicated and passionate clinical nurse specialists and pain trained specialists (FPM and subspecialty interest) who cover both our elective centre, and the main hospital with its significant acute demands.
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