We welcome feedback (compliments, suggestions, enquiries or complaints) from patients and whaanau as it helps us improve our services.


  • If you need medical advice or attention, please call Healthline on 0800 611 116 or visit your GP or local Accident & Medical Clinic. For serious injury and health concerns go to a hospital Emergency Department or call 111.

  • If you or your whaanau are admitted in the hospital and have an immediate concern about your treatment or care, please speak directly to those providing your care or to the manager of that area. If you feel uncomfortable talking to these people or are not satisfied with their response, you can share your concerns with us by contacting our Feedback Central Team as below. 

  • Please be assured that your care will remain unaffected by the feedback you provide. We value your input and are committed to maintaining the highest standard of care regardless of any feedback received.

Online Feedback Form

Please complete details below. We appreciate respectful communication and please refrain from using inappropriate language.


  • Contact the Feedback Central Team by:
    • Email: feedbackcentral@middlemore.co.nz 
    • Correspondence Address: Feedback Central, Health NZ Counties Manukau, Private Bag 93311, Otahuhu 1640, Auckland.
    • Tel No: 09 277 1660 (Customer Hub Team)

  • Ask a staff member for the 'Feedback form - Have your Say" brochure which is available in all clinical areas. Complete the form and return it to the staff member for sending it to Feedback Central or post directly to Feedback Central.

  • You can also raise your concerns with either the:
    • Health and Disability Advocacy:
      Free Phone: 0800 55 50 50 or Fax: 0800 2787 7678 or email: advocacy@hdc.org.nz
    • Health and Disability Commissioner: 
      Free Phone: 0800 11 22 33 or website: http://www.hdc.org.nz
    • Auckland District Inspectors: (for those under the Mental Health Act) Directory of District Health Inspectors.

What we will do

  • Complaints will be acknowledged within 5 working days.
  • We endeavour to investigate your complaint within 20 working days from the date of acknowledgment.  You will be informed if this takes longer.
  • Complaints are treated confidentially • Complaints are not added to your clinical records (medical file)
  • Compliments, suggestions and comments will be passed on to the appropriate manager.

Your Rights and Privacy

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