Requested by: Private/Individual | Response provided: 18/09/2020
Category: Medical,Emergency Care

I write in response to your Official Information Act request received by us on the 23rd August 2020, you requested the following information:

Please supply the following information under the Official Information Act 1982 for each of the years 2009 – 2020 being quarters one and two.

  1. Smoking status (inpatient) Total number of smokers x ethnicity in the DHB Mental Health and Addictions ward/s (including forensics)
  2. Admissions (inpatient) Total number of admissions x ethnicity to the DHB Mental Health and Addictions ward/s (including forensics)
  3. Smoking status (inpatient) Total number of inpatient smokers x ethnicity in the DHB General Hospital/s wards including elderly
  4. Admissions (inpatient) Total number of admissions x ethnicity to the DHB General Hospital/s wards including elderly


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