Requested by: Stroke Central | Response provided: 19/10/2021
Category: Clinical

1. Of the total amount of strokes in NZ in 2019, 2020 and 2021:
a. How many of the victims where:
i. Overweight
ii. Diabetic
iii. High blood pressure / hypertension
iv. Atrial Fibrillation
v. High Cholesterol
vi. Smokers
vii. Identified as drinking alcohol regularly
viii. Where clinically depressed, or identified high stress levels
ix. Where medical misadventure stokes?
2. Of the total amount of strokes and in NZ in 2019, 2020 and 2021:
a. How many received thrombolysis treatment?
b. How many were referred to either the Stroke Foundation of New Zealand or Stroke Central New Zealand?
i. By region for Central Region
c. How many received some kind of rehabilitation treatment?
d. How many where secondary strokes?
e. How many resulted in disability?


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