Requested by: NZ Doctor | Response provided: 11/05/2020
Category: Information Technology

I write in response to your Official Information Act request, received by us on 18 March 2020, via transfer from the Ministry of Health under section 14 of the Act. Thank you for your understanding of our need to defer this response preparation due to the national COVID-19 response requirements, and alert levels in April 2020.

You requested the following information.


1.Can you please provide me a breakdown of the number of Digital Maturity Assessments(DMAs) conducted by health organisation type (e.g., DHB, PHO etc...)

2.For each organisation which has undergone an assessment, can you please provide meassessment results?

3.For each organisation which has undergone an assessment, can you please provide merecommendations made, as result of the DMA.


Our response is attached


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