Requested by: NZ Herald | Response provided: 27/09/2019
Category: Emergency Care,Hospital Capacity

I write in response to your Official Information Act request, received by us on 04 September 2019. You requested the following information:

Please provide figures on

1)How many patients have been treated for gunshot wounds at Middlemore Hospital?

a.Please provide a breakdown for 2016, 2017, 2018, and the year to date.

2)Please provide further breakdown of the injures in terms ofa.Severity (fatal/ critical/ serious/ moderate etc),

b.Which body parts were wounded,

c.What types of firearms were used (if known)?

3)Please provide figures on the estimated cost of treating patients with gunshot wounds, for each of the above time periods.

4)Please provide any relevant comment.

5)Finally, please provide the same figures and breakdowns for patients with stabbing injuries.


Our response is attached


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