I write in response to your Official Information Act request, dated 27 February 2019. You have requested the following information.
1. For each of the past three years (ending June 2016, June 2017 and June 2018), what was the DHBs Rural Adjuster funding component of the Population-based Funding Formula (PBFF) funding pool?
2. Does the DHB fund and provide rural hospital services?
2.1 Provide the following information about the rural hospitals in your DHB. If there are none, please report this.
2.2 How is the annual budget for each of the rural hospitals listed in the table in 2.1 set?
2.3 How does the DHB apply the annual rural adjuster funding to the benefit of each of the rural hospitals listed in the table in question 2.1?
3. Does the DHB fund and provide rural community services?
3.1 Provide the following information about the rural community services in your DHB. If there are none, please report this.
3.2 How is the annual budget for the community services listed in the table in 3.1 set?
3.3 How does the DHB apply the annual rural adjuster funding to the benefit of each of the rural community listed in the table in question 3.1?
4. For each of the past three years, under each of the components of the Rural Adjuster, quantify the allocation of Rural Adjuster funding through the DHBs contracts, with its contracted providers or Service Level Alliance Teams.
5. Does the DHB include reporting requirements specific to the use of rural adjuster funding in its contracts with service providers whose contract includes rural adjuster funding.
If yes, provide a list of the reporting requirements included in the DHB contracts with these providers.
Our Response is attached
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