Requested by: Private Individual | Response provided: 06/03/2019
Category: Public Health Services

I write in response to your Official Information Act request dated 31st January 2019. You requested the following information:

I request a copy of or link to the CMDHB Governance Manual.

I request information concering the obligations under Clause 5, Schedule 3 of the NZPHDA.

  • This clause provides that a board of a DHB that has elected or appointed to it a member or members not already familiar with the obligations and duties of a member of a board, Maori health issues, Treaty of Waitangi issues, or Māori groups or organisations in the district of the DHB concerned must fund and, to the extent practicable, ensure the member or members undertake and complete, training approved by the Minister relating to whichever of those matters the member or members are not familiar with (clause 5(1), Schedule 3) and such as DHB must keep an up to date record of such familiarity (clause 5(1)(c), Schedule 3).
  • In particular, I request the latest up-to-date record of such familiarity (clause 5(1)(c), Schedule 3). If there is a privacy issue, I am happy for any names, etc to be redacted.


Our Response is attached


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