Visiting Te Whatu Ora - Counties Manukau Health care facilities

“Haumaru te taonga - Keeping our treasures safe”

We know whaanau plays an important role in our patients' recovery and by working together, we can keep your loved ones safe while fulfilling our legal obligations of care.

Visiting hours

  • Middlemore Hospital 2pm to 8pm daily.
  • At the Manukau Surgery Centre 11am to 8pm daily.

We support a maximum of 3 visitors at a time for any patient during these hours.

Tamariki and rangatahi under 15 should not generally visit healthcare facilities. Visitors under 15 years must be agreed in advance with the ward charge nurse or midwife manager. They must be supervised at all times.

Some hospital services have different visitor guidelines. Check with your whaanau member’s care team (ward charge nurse or midwife manager) before you visit.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us:

  • Information/Visiting Hours: (09) 270 4799
  • Patient Enquiries: (09) 276 5004.

When you visit:

Visitors are asked not to enter our facilities if they or anyone in their household has COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms, or if they are currently advised to isolate.

Visitors with service or guide dogs are permitted if they comply with hospital policy and other local guidelines.

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