What matters to you is important to us. We welcome your feedback as it helps us improve our services. If you have an immediate concern about your treatment or care, or the care of a family member, we encourage you to discuss these with a staff member. Many problems can be resolved quickly by talking things over.
If you have been impressed by the care that you or someone you know has received, please let us know. Equally, we welcome comments on how we might improve our services. If you have any comments please let us know.
You have several options for making contact with us if you have any complaints, compliments or feedback about our services or staff at CM Health:
Email us:
Write to us:
The hospital maintains a record of your illness (es) and treatments and is required to keep this information confidential.
There are clearly stated rules for the release of any information in the Health Information Privacy Code (1994) (HIP Code) and other legislation. As part of our commitment to protect your privacy, we have a pamphlet which explains your rights and responsibilities, and our rights and responsibilities in relation to your personal health information. While in hospital, doctors, nurses and other therapists will discuss your illness and treatment with you, and with your consent, your family. The HIP Code sets out the rules, which allow you to have access to your personal medical record. If any part of your notes is withheld, you will be advised why and how you may appeal the decision.
If you are in hospital, ask your doctor or nurse to arrange for you to see your medical record. If you have left the Hospital, telephone or write to the Health Information Officer.
Parents may ask to see the notes of their children if under 16 years of age. If you disagree with anything written about you in your records, you have the right to request the removal or correction of any information. If your request is declined, you will be told why. You may appeal by writing to the Privacy Commissioner, PO Box 466, Auckland.
CM Health has staff versed in the privacy legislation. Please ask ward staff how you can access a privacy officer. Consumers' rights The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights (1996) applies to all health services and disability support services in New Zealand. The code of rights is available in many languages including Maaori, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Somali, and various Pacific languages on the Health and Disability Commissioner website. The purpose of the code is to promote and protect the rights of consumers and to facilitate the fair and efficient resolution of complaints relating to any infringement of those rights. Health professionals and other providers, providing your care are required to adhere to the rights under this code.
To be treated with respect.
To be treated fairly without pressure or discrimination
The right to dignity and independence.
To receive quality service and to be treated with care and skill
To be given information that you can understand in a way that helps you communicate with the person providing the service
To be given the information you need to know about your health or disability; the service being provided and the names and roles of the staff; as well as information about any tests and procedures you need and any test results. In New Zealand, people are encouraged to ask questions and to ask for more information to help them understand what is going on
To make your own decision about your care, and to change your mind.
To have a support person with you at most times.
To have all these rights apply if you are asked to take part in a research study or teaching session for training staff
The right to complain and have your complaint taken seriously
If you require assistance with a concern about the care you are receiving and wish to have an advocate support you,
You can contact the free and confidential service of the Health Advocates service by:
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