Problem Statement

The Restraint Minimisation and Safe Practice Group was re-launched in November 2018, following changes to roles within the organisation.

What are we trying to achieve?

Our goals are to:

  • meet certification requirements for restraint minimisation and safe practice standards
  • develop robust processes to ensure that the practice standards are maintained and enabled with clear processes and communication.

What have we done?

All policies and procedures relating to restraint minimisation have been updated, and the online learning package has been reviewed and refreshed. We have also developed a restraint register to ensure all restraints have been reviewed and approved for use in CM Health. The team has a work plan that is updated monthly to ensure tasks are completed on time as planned.

How did we make a difference?

Feedback from recertification was positive on the improvements that have been made. We still have some areas to progress, including promoting de-escalation and minimisation of restraints, and ensuring that all areas have a clear understanding of what restraints are to be used and what the enablers are, eg bed rails. All staff will have completed the online learning package about restraints and bed rails this year, as it is a mandatory part of patient safety training.

Where to from here?

We will continue to progress the work plan to change practices to align with the national standards, reduce use of restraints, and ensure staff have the resources and skills to de-escalate concerning behaviour in order to keep patients and staff safe.

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